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Cultural and Ecological School The History Of SMP Kanisius Sumber (Scanner) SMP Kanisius Sumber was founded in 1968 with a vision to build a persistent generation that engenders positive change in their communities. On April 1, 1968, SMP Kanisius Sumber first opened its doors as a farming school in Sumber area with 100 students and 5 teachers. Now, SMP Kanisius Sumber currently serves all grade levels of junior high school with 87 students. SMP Kanisius Sumber uses the buildings in front of St. Mary Lourdes Sumber Church as the headquarters. SMP Kanisius Sumber achieves our vision of "Komunitas pendidikan yang transformatif dan menumbuhkan kemerdekaan berpikir demi terwujudnya sekolah yang unggul, peduli, dan melayani" through a three-pronged holistic learning experience called Head – Heart – Hand. Head refers to knowledge and insight, Heart touches on Catholic values and characters, and Hand signifies the skills that learners will use to implement their knowledge and values. Each individual at Kanisius School is gifted, talented, and destined for a purpose-driven life. This means that learning is a lifelong process. While learners are here, they are guided and encouraged to discover their identity and life purpose. The Core Values Of SMP Kanisius Sumber We have five core values that we hold well-known as JULIMUNDI They are: Kejujuran (Honesty) Kepedulian (Care) Kemerdekaan (Independence) Keunggulan (Excellence) Kedisiplinan (Discipline) We also expect that the members of the school also implements SCANNER. Strength: We believe in developing the strength of character, resilience, and determination in our students. We empower them to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and grow into confident individuals. Collaboration: We foster a collaborative spirit among our students, encouraging teamwork, cooperation, and effective communication. We believe that working together enables us to achieve greater success and create a harmonious community. Accountability: We promote a culture of accountability, where students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, learning, and personal growth. We instill values of integrity, honesty, and reliability in all aspects of their school life. Nurturing: We prioritize creating a nurturing environment where students feel supported, valued, and safe. We provide opportunities for their holistic development, fostering their emotional, social, and academic well-being. Nobility: We cultivate a sense of nobility in our students, emphasizing the importance of displaying honorable qualities and conducting themselves with integrity and dignity. We encourage them to make ethical choices and act with kindness and compassion towards others. Empowerment: We empower our students to take ownership of their education, goals, and future. We provide them with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners. Respect: We foster a culture of respect, where individuals treat each other with dignity, kindness, and empathy. We celebrate diversity and appreciate the unique perspectives and backgrounds that each person brings to our school community. Donation and Scholarship BRI 025101008031535 SMP KANISIUS SUMBER CP 0858-7566-9842